Frmwin Form15 Command7 Visual Basic Command6 Quick File Manager Command5 Set Clicks Command4 My Files Command3 Windows Command2 Command1 Label2 Quick Clicks MS Serif Label1 DSG Programming Times New Roman Line1 Icon4 Icon4 Icon3 Icon3 Icon2 Icon2 Icon1 Icon1 mnufile &File mnuopen &Open mnuIcon SetQuick Clicks mnuwin Windows mnudos Exit to Dos mnuwin_Click mnuopen_Click frmdrag mnuIcon_Click Command1_Click Command2_Click Command3_Click Command4_Click myfile) frmmyfile frmmyfiles3 Command6_Click) frmfilemanN frmmany Command5_Click nicon frmnicon Picture2_Click Form_Load Command7_Click frmicon Pic1_Click| program1 nom1b sfile1 frmwin WindowState pic2_Click program2 sfile2? nom2bH pic3_Click program3 sfile3l nom3b pic4_Click program4 sfile4 nom4b prog1 runfile runfile1 runfile2 runfile3 runfile4 filnum getvalues counter Command1_Click Command2_Click Command3_Click progman.exe Command4_Click Command5_Click Command6_Click Command7_Click insert vb path Form_Load opens data files to write on c:\qwin\program1.dat c:\qwin\sfile1.dat c:\qwin\program2.dat c:\qwin\sfile2.dat c:\qwin\program3.dat c:\qwin\sfile3.dat c:\qwin\program4.dat c:\qwin\sfile4.dat mnuopen_Click mnuwin_Click progman.exe Pic1_Click pic2_Click pic3_Click pic4_Click